Soya Bean Commercial Farming

Soya bean [Glycine max] is an annual legume of the pea family. The soya bean is economically the most important bean in the world, providing vegetable protein for millions of people and ingredients for hundreds of chemical products. Soya bean is very easy to grow and do well in most soil types prevalent in Nigeria. Most of the world’s total soya beans production are processed into different types of soya beans meal and oil for human consumption. Apart from human consumption soya beans meal is used for production of nutrition’s animal feeds of different kinds and the oil for edible oil and others for industrial product such as fatty acids, soaps and biodiesel.
Soya beans is so useful because it is one of the few plants that provides a complete protein as it contain all eight amino acids essential for human health. The world market for soya beans is estimated at about $42billion. Nigeria is the highest producer of soya beans in Africa. However it does not even produce enough for its use and there are huge potential for export.

The major inputs for commercial soya bean farming are; LAND, IMPROVED SEEDLING, TRAINING, FERTILIZER, FINANCE and MARKET

Soya beans grow well on almost all kinds of soil except deep soil that have bad water retention. Soya bean cultivation in Nigeria usually starts in May or June. For optimal growth and production the ground PH should be 6.5 max. Soya beans usually sprout better in moderate regions. Rainfall is another important condition for soya bean cultivation. Fine harvest is impossible without good watering. Procuring Land for such commercial farming is better done by professionals who have the eagle eye to decode the soil texture without much examination. It is also easier to source for land for agriculture through professionals because they have extensive network and can arrange Land for you in short notice and in a cost effective manner. There is little need to purchase land for farming in large scale form the beginning as this will tie down available capital, thus it is advisable to lease and subsequently pay for the land from the proceed of the farm. BUSINESS ADVISORY NETWORK is a guru in this regard and will help you arrange choice farm land at the best rate all you have to do is to talk to us.

We will guide you on best planting season, spacing, fertilizer type, [fertilizer will be important if the soil is not so rich], how to source fertilizer, fertilizer application. Weed control, harvesting, Storage and processing.

The central bank of Nigeria has a lot of incentives for commercial farmers with a reduced interest rate of 9% per annum. We will guide you on how to source this loan. We will also help in securing farming equipment.

Demand for soya beans is high both locally and internationally. A farmer may decide to add value and export or sell locally depending on his business plan.

Security of the farm is of utmost importance, thus adequate security must be put in place to eliminate/ reduce pilferage in the farm.

We will not only guide you on soya beans farming. We will also introduce you to soya beans value chain depending on your interest. Modern research has led to a remarkable variety of uses for the soya beans. Its oil can be processed into margarine, shortening, and vegetarian cheeses. Industrially, the oil is used as an ingredient in paints, adhesives, fertilizers, sizing for cloth, linoleum backing, and fire-extinguisher fluids, among other products. Soybean meal serves as a high-protein meat substitute in many food products, including baby foods and vegetarian foods.
If you desirous of farming with minimal discomfort and also wants to stay out of other loss that might result due to lack of planning talk to us at BAN

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