COCOA [Theobroma cacao] also called the cacao tree or the cocoa tree, is a small (4–8 m (13–26 ft) tall) evergreen tree in the family Malvaceae, native to the deep tropical regions of Central and South America. Its seeds, cocoa beans, are used to make cocoa mass, cocoa powder, confectionery, ganache and chocolate.
The flowers are produced in clusters directly on the trunk and older branches. The flowers are small, 1–2 cm (0.39–0.79 in) diameter. While many of the world’s flowers are pollinated by bees (Hymenoptera) or butterflies/moths (Lepidoptera), cacao flowers are pollinated by tiny flies, Forcipomyia midges in the subfamily Forcipomyiinae. Having the natural pollinator Forcipomyia midges for Theobroma cacao was shown to have more fruit production than using artificial pollinators. The fruit, called a cocoa pod, is ovoid, 15–30 cm (5.9–11.8 in) long and 8–10 cm (3.1–3.9 in) wide, ripening into yellow or orange, and weighs about 500 g (1.1 lb) when ripe. The pod contains 20 to 60 seeds, usually called “beans”, embedded in a white pulp. The seeds are the main ingredient of chocolate, while the pulp is used in some countries to prepare refreshing juice, smoothies and jelly. The fermented pulp can also be distilled into an alcoholic beverage. Each seed contains a significant amount of fat (40–50%) as cocoa butter. The fruit’s active constituent is the stimulant theobromine, a compound similar to caffeine.
In 2016, cocoa beans were cultivated on roughly 10,196,725 hectares (25,196,660 acres) worldwide. Cocoa beans are grown by large agro-industrial plantations and small producers, the bulk of production coming from millions of farmers with small plots. A tree begins to bear when it is four or five years old. A mature tree may have 6,000 flowers in a year, yet only about 20 pods. About 1,200 seeds (40 pods) are required to produce 1 kg (2.2 lb) of cocoa paste.
In 2016, world production was 4.5 million tonnes, led by Ivory Coast with 33% of global production and Ghana with 19% of the global total.
Like other crops cocoa can be attacked by a number of pest species including fungal diseases, insects and rodents – some of which (e.g. frosty pod rot and cocoa pod borer) have increased dramatically in geographical range and are sometimes described as “invasive species. To be successful in commercial cocoa farming adequate prevention has to be taken and system developed to protect the farm
Environmental requirements
The ideal range of temperatures for cocoa is minimums of 18-21°C and maximums of 30-32°C. Commercial cocoa production is limited to where the average minimum in the coldest months is greater than about 13°C. If the absolute minimum temperature falls below 10°C for several consecutive nights, the yield is likely to be reduced. Defoliation and dieback occurs between 4-8°C.
Although cocoa will grow above 32°C, the upper temperature limit is not well defined and shade cover will influence maximum temperatures for the cocoa. High temperatures may affect bean characteristics and yield.
The distribution of annual rainfall for regions in which cocoa is grown is 1250-3000 mm per year. The rainfall must be well distributed and any dry period should be no longer than three months. Annual rainfall greater than 2500 mm may result in a higher incidence of fungal diseases. Irrigation is rarely used and there is limited information about growing cocoa under irrigation. In far north Queensland’s growing conditions, however, irrigation is considered essential as in a typical season there are 3 to 4 months where rainfall is less than 100 mm/month.
Cocoa is grown on a wide range of soil types, but soils with moderate to high fertility are favoured since fertiliser inputs under traditional production systems are low. The main requirements are:
- 1.5 m depth of free draining soil
- good moisture holding capacity
- pH range from 4.5 to 7.0, preferably close to 6.5.
Propagation and land preparation
Seedlings are generally used for planting. They are raised in nurseries where shade, wind protection, nutrition and irrigation are provided. Hybrid seeds are often sourced commercially, but even with these, the plants raised can be highly variable in growth and performance. Seed is collected from ripe pods and, if the fresh beans are planted immediately, at least 90% should germinate within two weeks. Planting of seed directly to the field is not practiced due to lack of irrigation and problems with weed and pest management. Currently (2015), the Queensland industry is based on hybrid seed from Papua New Guinea.
Vegetative propagation is used where selected characteristics are desired. Vegetatively-propagated trees raised are more uniform in growth and performance than those raised from seed. Various techniques, including rooted cuttings, budding and grafting are used. Cocoa presents special problems for in-vitro propagation and reliable, economic methods for mass tissue culture propagation have not been developed.
Young cocoa plants may be field planted after six months. Because establishment without shade can be problematic, shade should be well-established before planting in the field. As well as sun protection, the shade reduces wind exposure and provides a suitable microclimate. Shade strategies include:
- retaining remnant forest
- planting temporary and permanent shade species
- interplanting with species that also provide a commercial return., e.g. papaya and banana
Shade can be removed after three to four years. In many situations windbreaks will be beneficial or necessary.
Planting density depends on:
- tree vigour
- light interception
- the farming system.
Density may range from 800-3000 trees/ha with about 1200 trees/ha being common in Malaysia under shade and ‘zero-shade’ conditions.
About 200 kg N, 25 kg P, 300 kg K and 140 kg Ca are needed per hectare to grow the trees prior to pod production. For each 1000 kg of dry beans harvested, about 20 kg N, 4 kg P and 10 kg K is removed. If the pod husks are also removed from the field, the amount of K removed increases to about 50 kg.
Soil and leaf analyses can be used to determine the nutritional needs of cocoa. Leaf analyses may be problematic because it is difficult to sample leaves of the same age and shading influences the nutrient composition of leaves. Visual symptoms of mineral deficiencies are well documented and can be used as a qualitative guide to fertiliser requirements.
Cocoa propagated from seed is pruned to develop the preferred structure shown in the picture. Pruning is mainly used to limit tree height. The first jorquette should be formed at 1.5-2 m. Further chupons (suckers) are continually removed preventing subsequent jorquettes and restricting further vertical growth. It may be necessary to prune fan branches to maintain an even structure and remove low hanging branches. The end result is a tree with a canopy height that is convenient to manage. Vegetatively-propagated plants have a different structure and will require different management. There is little evidence that pruning strategies promote high yields. Mechanical pruning (hedging) is not practiced.
Cocoa trees take 3-5 years to yield a crop, with hybrid varieties providing crops earlier. But cocoa trees should be productive for about 25 years.
The age at which a tree is first harvested does not influence production during the life of the tree. Many other factors such as maintenance, variety of cocoa tree, weather etc. have more effect on production during the life of the tree than the time of first harvest
Harvesting and processing
Harvesting and bean extraction
Cocoa harvest is spread over several months, and in some regions there may be pods available for harvest throughout the year. Typically, there are one or two peak harvest periods influenced by flowering in response to rainfall and humidity. However, local climate and the crop already on the tree will also influence flowering so that the yearly-cropping pattern can vary in areas with a relatively uniform climate.
On ripening, pods turn from green or deep red to yellow or orange and only ripe, coloured pods are harvested. However, the timing is not critical since under-ripe pods will ferment satisfactorily and ripe pods can be left on the tree for two to three weeks. After this, pods may rot and the beans may germinate inside the pod. Harvesting is done by hand using machetes or knives to cut pods from the tree since pulling the pods from the tree can damage the flower cushion and tear the bark.
After harvest, the pods are opened to extract wet beans and this can be done immediately or delayed for up to several days. This is also a manual operation – usually the pod is cut open and the beans are scooped out by hand. The placenta, which joins the beans inside the pod, is preferably separated from the wet beans prior to fermentation. Prototype pod-splitting machines have been developed in Queensland and will continue to be modified and improved by industry.
Fermentation and drying
Fermentation and drying are the last operations carried out on-farm before trading the dried beans. Fermentation is essential for the development of chocolate flavour (further developed during roasting). After extraction, the wet beans are bulked together and gradually heat up as a result of exothermic chemical reactions in the pulp caused by the activity of microorganisms (yeasts and acetic and lactic acid bacteria). Initially, the mucilage is broken down and drains off as ‘sweatings’. After 36-72 hours the beans are killed and a series of chemical changes take place inside the bean, some of which continue during drying.
Although chemically complex, fermentation methods are simple. Fermentation is carried out in specially constructed wooden boxes, in heaps covered by banana leaves or in baskets. Much of the heat generated is retained by insulation, but this is more difficult with small quantities of beans and a minimum of about 90 kg is required when using traditional heap or box methods. The process usually takes from five to seven days to complete depending on the type of cocoa being grown and local practice. The mass of beans is turned or stirred at least once for aeration.
Fermented beans are then dried in the sun or artificially until suitably dry (6-7% moisture content dry basis) for storing and transporting. Artificial drying can cause beans to be very acidic if they are dried too quickly. Dried beans are hand sorted or mechanically sieved and winnowed to remove defective beans and debris.
The ‘pod index’ expresses the number of pods required to produce one kilogram of dried beans. A low pod index usually means good bean size and a saving in harvesting costs since the weight of beans per pod is high. The ‘recovery’ is the proportion of dry fermented beans to wet unfermented beans expressed as a percentage. It ranges from about 40% for under-ripe pods to 45% for over-ripe pods, but is also affected by variety and season.
Manufacturing cocoa for the principal chocolate ingredients and by-products is generally an industrial process requiring expertise and specialised equipment. Physical characteristics assessed by manufacturers to determine the quality of cocoa beans (in addition to flavour attributes) are of relevance to growers. The average bean weight is expected to be 1.0-1.2 g, corresponding to a ‘bean count’ of 100-83 beans per 100 g. A low shell percentage is desirable as shell is removed in manufacture and has no value; 11-17% is typical. The fat content of the cotyledons (nib) is important since cocoa butter has a high value; at least 53% is preferable.
Procuring Land for such commercial farming has to be done by professionals who have the eagle eye to decode the soil texture without much examination. It is also easier to source for land for agriculture through professionals because they have extensive network and can arrange Land for you in short notice and in a cost effective manner. There is little need to purchase land for farming in large scale from the beginning as this will tie down available capital, thus it is advisable to lease and subsequently pay for the land from the proceed of the farm. BUSINESS ADVISORY NETWORK is a guru in this regard and will help you arrange choice farm land at the best rate, all you have to do is to talk to us.
We will guide you on best planting season, spacing, fertilizer type, how to source fertilizer, fertilizer application. Weed control, Crops you may intercrop with COCOA, the effects of intercropping on COCOA yield, Storage and processing.
The central bank of Nigeria has a lot of incentives/ credits for commercial farmers at a reduced interest rate of 9% per annum. Most of these are organized by the central bank of Nigeria although accessed through the commercial bank. BAN will guide you on how to source credit under any of these credits listed below;
Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme Fund (ACGSF) The Fund guarantees credit facilities extended to farmers by banks up to 75% of the amount in default net of any security realized. The Fund is managed by the Central Bank of Nigeria, through this guarantee it is easy For commercial banks to loan to farmers not fearing
Agricultural Credit Support Scheme (ACSS) ACSS funds are disbursed to farmers and agro-allied entrepreneurs at a single-digit interest rate of 8.0 percent. At the commencement of the project support, banks will grant loans to qualified applicants at 14.0 per cent interest rate. Applicants who pay back their facilities on schedule are to enjoy a rebate of 6.0 per cent, thus reducing the effective rate of interest to be paid by farmers to 8.0 per cent.
Commercial Agriculture Credit Scheme (CACS) This credit scheme is specifically targeted to finance the country’s agricultural value chain (production, processing, storage and marketing). The maximum interest rate to the borrower under the scheme shall not exceed 9 per cent, inclusive of all charges.
Nigeria Incentive Based Risk Sharing System for Agricultural Lending ( NIRSAL) Risk is the single-most important factor that prevents banks from lending to agriculture. To change banks’ perception that agriculture is a high-risk sector, NIRSAL has a USD300 Million Risk-Sharing Facility that it uses to share their losses on agricultural loans through Credit Risk Guarantees. NIRSAL shares risk with banks ranging from 30% to 75% of face value depending on segment.
This also includes a guarantee fee of 1% per annum on outstanding protected principal and interest. Up to 40% of interest cost rebated to select value chain participants every 90 days if loan remains in good standing (no partial or full default). All crops, livestock and related supportive economic activity across the value chain are supported by this facility.
The news is that government is willing and doing everything to encourage farming in Nigeria because that’s where the country straight lies. Nigeria is endowed with arable land and fresh water resources when viewed as a whole with approximately 61 million hectares of the land cultivable while the total renewable water resources is about 280 km3/year; which include river Niger, river Benue, lake Chad, Osun river, Hadejia River, Bonny river and a host of others. The major soil types in Nigeria, according to FAO soil taxonomist are fluvisols, regosols, gleysols, acrisols, ferrasols, alisols, lixisols, cambisols, luvisols, nitosols, arenosols and vertisols. These soil types vary in their potential for agricultural use according to FAO.
Nigerian soils can be classified into groups made up of four (climatic) zones that are soil associations. The groups are:
- Northern zone of sandy soils
- Interior zone of laterite soils
- Southern belt of forest soils
- Alluvial soils Zones
Northern zone of sandy soils: This area lies in the very northern parts of the country. This area lies in the extreme north with proximity to the fringes of the fast- encroaching Sahara desert. It is characterized by soils formed by deposition of sand by the wind. These soils might have been formed from wind-sorted desert sands that accumulated over long periods of time when the Sahara desert encroached several kilometers south of its present limits. The soils of this zone are very good in the production of groundnut, sorghum, cowpea, and millet.
Interior zone of laterite soils: This zone is made up of a mixture of sand and clay. They are grey to black clay, poorly drained and seasonally flooded forming the “fadama”. The Biu Plateau has rich soil that is productive and offers prospects for the expansion of the areas of cotton production, soybeans, yam and other legumes.
Southern belt of forest soils: Soils in this zone broadly represent those of the humid, tropical forest climate zones of the south where the wet season is long, the harmattan season short and forest cover is dense. Local soil types depend largely on parent rock; where the underlying rocks are granite or clay, the soils is a rich clayey loam. These soils are very good in growing crops like cocoa, oil palm, rubber, Cassava.
Zone of alluvial soils: These soils are found along the flooded plains of rivers, deltas, along the coastal flats. This zone extends from the coastal inland and runs along the valleys of the Niger and the Benue rivers, thus cutting across the vegetational zones. Soils in this zone are characteristic of fresh-water soil of grey to white sand, grey clay and sandy clay with humid topsoil. Another group consists of brownish to black saline mangrove soils, with a mat of rootlets. This soil type is very good for rice etc.
BAN will also help in securing farming equipment. This may be achieved through the federal and state government partnership with the support of any of the credit schemes. Through this farm equipment can be acquired or leased.
Demand for COCOA is high both locally and internationally. COCOA is used to produce chocolate and many other things. A farmer may decide to add value and export or sell locally depending on his business plan.
Security of the farm is of utmost importance, thus adequate security must be put in place to eliminate/ reduce pilferage in the farm.
We will not only guide you on COCOA farming. We will also introduce you to COCOA business value chain depending on your interest. Even though this requires huge investment, the return is enormous and the market potential is also huge.
If you are desirous of farming with minimal discomfort and also wants to stay out of other losses that might result due to lack of planning talk to us at BAN.